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The flexibility offered by Lumina through its scalable spaces and purpose-built facilities creates the perfect environment for growth. As a result, we’ve been able to achieve unhindered focus on innovation within our industry.

– Sarah Vikander

Clinical Research Coordinator

The Lumina transaction process


Expressions of Interest (EOI)

Proponent expresses an interest in being either:

  • An owner occupier 
  • Interested developer
  • Tenant 

Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) Approval

  • Proponent submits formal a EOI by responding to the Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct Occupant Assessment Criteria 
  • The EOI includes the uses in the proposed development and confirms links to the Precinct partners, either existing or future envisaged 
  • EDQ presents the EOI to SAG for endorsement
  • EDQ and Precinct partners review and qualify the EOI


  • EDQ and the proponent negotiate terms of option agreement to purchase land
  • Proponent and Minster for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) executes option agreement with contract of sale attached

Tenant Attraction

  • Proponent commences marketing activity to secure tenants to meet its precommitment threshold requirement. Note: this step not required for owner occupiers


  • Proponent to provide a concept design for the proposed development confirming size, scale and materiality of the building 
  • EDQ approval of concept required before progressing to next stage

Development Proposal

  • Proponent to provide a Development Proposal for the development
  • Development Proposal confirms final design, committed uses and tenant Agreement’s for Lease and /or Strata Sales contracts, feasibility and funding requirements and delivery program

Development Application Submission

  • Proponent submits the development application 
  • EDQ finalises land sub-division in line with the approved Development Proposal and Concept Design 
  • Development Application approval received


  • Settlement Put & Call Option in the Option Agreement exercised and Land Sale Contract executed 
  • Proponent finalises project funding, tendering and contract award


  • Construction of project- substantial commencement to be achieved prior to predetermined contractual date 
  • Practical completion of the development prior to predetermined contractual sunset date

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Expressions of Interest (EOI) Guideline

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